Lynda and I feel like we know our characters a
little better. When we first started
writing “Mystery of the Cave” Jo and Susan were really ‘us’, Lynda and me. We eventually discovered Jo and Susan had
become themselves, inquisitive, adventurous, determined; mostly obedient, but
on the edge of total disobedience. Jo,
being the older of the two, knows how to get her sister to press on, be brave …
or else. Susan, younger, stubborn and
more timid, resists, but curiosity and blackmail prevail. In the long run, the two become a team. They include Mike and Ryan, sometimes. But the girls are the trailblazers.
While at work the other day I kept thinking about a
chapter I wanted to write for "The Darkened Light". Lynda and I
had discussed this chapter and it began creeping into my psyche. I woke in the night thinking about what I should write. How in the world do ideas come
out of a sound sleep? Beats me. What’s funny and kind of weird is I find
myself thinking in narrative. My
thoughts have become lines in a story.
It’s a little unsettling until I realize … I’m in writing mode.
To order your copy of Guam Adventures - Mystery of the Cave go to This fun adventure would
make a great Christmas gift, too!
make a great Christmas gift, too!
Nice - I can finally post a comment. Great job on the blog. Interesting and fun. Also, loved reading the book, "Mystery of the Cave". Can't wait for the next adventure, "The Darkened Light"!