Hi Friends,
I'm back home again in Indiana after three weeks in Arizona with sister, Terry.
On the map below, I'm pretty close to the middle ... between Indianapolis and Kokomo (which is NOT an island in the Caribbean, despite what the Beach Boys may tell you.)
We took the week off to re-group and re-coup. I had jet lag for several days then developed a coughing cold. I'm still coughing, but I think I'm finally caught up on the sleep. Terry, of course, had to get used to not having another body hanging around her house, and is suffering with a sinus infection. Nevertheless, I think we're ready to begin again.
In my last post, What in the World?, I wrote about the many people from countries outside the USA who are reading our WHaM blog, and with that in mind, I thought I'd show our non-American visitors where we are, and how far we travel back-and-forth to write our books.
Looking at the map above, you'll see an AZ down near Mexico on the left ... that's Arizona where Terry lives, and where I live several weeks out of the year. Now, go up to the letters, CO (that's Colorado) and across to the right until you get to IN, that's Indiana, where I live most of the time with my hubby. The United States is a big ol' country and for me to drive from Indiana to Arizona would take at least three days, so I "fly the friendly skies", usually on Southwest, which I think is a great airline. (Please don't write debating me on the pros and cons of SW ... so far I'm happy with the service and the prices). But I digress ... if you look very closely in the lower left hand corner (still on the above map), in the 'ocean' you will see an arrow directing you to Guam. Yep, it's way out there, and is part of the Marianas Island Chain - the southernmost island.
Now to this map, see the 'A', that is Guam! It's so teensy that it doesn't even appear as a speck. It's too far for the US mainland to show up on the map ... only Alaska, the polar opposite of Guam (figuratively speaking ... kinda). But despite Guam's size, it has a rich and interesting history, and much fodder for mystery books, ala Mystery of the Cave. Jungle, caves, critters, beaches, cliffs ... all that on an itty-bitty island in the Pacific Ocean.
As a kid, I had no idea that Guam was so close to southeast Asia, Japan, New Guinea or Australia, I just knew it was an awfully long way from California ... it had to be since it took 36 hours and a layover on Hawai'i and Wake Island to get there. Nor had I any idea that our Air Force assignment there would spawn a book many, many years later ... but it is, and it did. If you haven't read Mystery of the Cave, buy it, read it and live the adventure!Lynda
Mystery of the Cave can purchased at www.createspace.com/4008187, or directly from WHaM Books at whammysteries@gmail.com.
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