Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Christmas in our Hearts

It's Christmas in our Hearts
Sitting here on my couch, my foot on the ottoman because I had surgery last Friday, I've had ample time to reflect on Christmas and the year that is almost past.
Lynda and I fully expected to be talking about the sequel to "Guam Adventures - Mystery of the Cave".  "Guam Adventures - The Darkened Light"  waits in our notebooks and on Google Drive for completion.  Have we been slugs and not worked on it this year?  No.  It is nearly half finished.  We just hadn't planned for life to get in the way.
Following our big book signing last year, Lynda learned soon after returning home, that she has cancer.  I wish I could say she "had" cancer, but that is not the case.  She has had chemotherapy, 2 surgeries, and now is undergoing radiation therapy.  She visited Dave and me in July after completing chemo.  We worked on the book, as planned, but mostly just hung out and enjoyed each others' company. 
I have made 3 trips to Indiana this year.  Unprecedented for me.  Lynda is the one who usually does most of the flying.  But this year has been my turn.  Two days before my surgery I returned from Indiana after spending many days and nights in the hospital with her.  As difficult as it was seeing her in pain, fighting the cancer with every breath, I was blessed to be there. 
While at the hospital I was so impressed with those who took care of her.  The nurses were amazing!  Not only were they smart, professional women, they were caring, loving, and funny.  The doctors put up with the endless questions.  If they didn't know the answers, they would find them.  One young doctor showed Lynda's husband Glenn the results of every time her vitals were taken.  Explaining every detail.  Knowledge can be very comforting.
Lynda is currently at a nursing home in Kokomo, Indiana.  She is undergoing physical and occupational therapy in between the radiation treatments.  It's all very complicated.  Our hope and prayer is for her to be home in a couple weeks.
Christmas is the time when families gather to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  It is difficult to be here in Arizona, far from any of my family, save my wonderful, generous husband, Dave, who has encouraged me through out this year to go be with my sister.  But I have felt the presence of our Savior more this year than I have in many years.  I have talked to Him continuously.  Why would He care what I have to say?  And why am I always asking Him for something?  Not literally some "thing", but for His continued help and blessings on Lynda and all of our family.  I am just a speck among all of the other millions of people who need His help.   He does care, though.  I've never been more sure of that.
Next year, be ready to go to createspace to order "Guam Adventures - The Darkened Light".  Lynda and I will revisit Jo and Susan and get their story told.  I'm sure you will want to buy it for your 8 to 13 year olds, or just for yourself.
In the meantime, have a blessed Christmas.  Celebrate the birth of our Savior.  His love is endless.
By the way, if you'd like to send a card to Lynda her address is:

Lynda McCroskery
Sycamore Village
2905 W Sycamore St,
Kokomo, IN 46901